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Public Relations Guide for Small Business (7 Proven PR Tactics)

Posted Oct 17, 2022

Public relations (PR) isn’t just a communications tool for big corporations. PR is a vital part of every company’s integrated marketing strategy.

PR offers benefits that differ from other types of marketing initiatives. For example, paid advertising can generate leads for your products or services but won’t build trust and credibility for your business.

PR can help your small business create trust and credibility, build legitimacy, and grow faster.

PR can also help you handle a crisis.

So, whether you’re working on a business plan and starting a new business, or looking to grow an existing business, consider how PR can help you scale that business.

The challenge for most small businesses is how to create impactful public relations initiatives without a big PR budget.

Fortunately, there are many ways that small businesses can engage with their public that don’t cost a fortune.

Here are 7 proven small business PR tactics:

  1. Tell your story.
  2. Set Google Alerts.
  3. Engage in grassroots community activities.
  4. Create a media kit.
  5. Write and distribute press releases.
  6. Help A Reporter Out.
  7. Build social media relationships with influencers.

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